Joanna's cosmetics
Saturday, 13 May 2017
Friday, 5 May 2017
Organic shop mus do ciala truskawka i mleko. Strawberry and milk
Jesli szukacie fajnego balsamu eko do ciala, to polecam mus do ciala truskawka (poziomka) i mleko firmy Organic shop. Pewnie zastanawiacie sie dlaczego napisalam poziomka? Otoz jednym z aktywnych skladnikow musu jest Fragaria Vesca Fruit Extract, czyli poziomka wlasnie. Z jakiegos powodu jest to tlumaczone jako truskawka, a wiadomo, ze poziomka i truskawka, to jednak nie to samo. Szkoda, ze producent niedokladnie tlumaczy, bo mysle, ze poziomka brzmi jeszcze bardziej zachecajaco do zakupu niz truskawka ( w koncu rzadziej wystepuje).
Jest to moj drugi produkt firmy Organic shop. Wlasnie skonczylam maske do wlosow awokado i miod, ktora bardzo polecam. Recenzje tego produktu mozecie znalezc tu:
Natomiast mus do ciala truskawka i mleko, to wedle producenta "pyszny" balsam do ciala, ktory ma za zadanie odzywic i nawilzyc skore. Dodatkowo uelastycznia skore i chroni ja przed dalszym wysuszeniem. Mus wzbogacony jest ekstraktem z poziomki i hydrolizowanymi proteinami mleka, dzieki czemu skorze dostarczane sa witaminy, mineraly i aminokwasy. Wszystko to wplywa na kondycje skory, pozostawiajac ja pieknie miekka i gladka.
Konsystencja musu do ciala truskawka i mleko jest lekka i delikatna, tak jak na mus przystalo. Dzieki tym wlasciwosciom kosmetyk mozna latwo i szybko rozsmarowac. Mus szybko sie wchlania, co zaoszczedzi nam mnostwo czasu. Jest to wazne szczegolnie dla osob, ktore biora prysznic z rana i nie moga wystawac "godzinami" w lazience. Z drugiej strony, szybkosc wchlaniania sie tego kosmetyku zalezy od tego, ile go po prostu nalozymy. Moim zdaniem, juz niewielka ilosc musu jest wystarczajaca, zeby nawilzyc skore, tym samym kosmetyk jest wydajny. Efekt nawilzenia jest natychmiastowy i utrzymuje sie do nastepnego dnia. Kolejnym atutem produktu jest jego zapach. Wierzcie lub nie, ale ten mus naprawde pachnie jak poziomki wymieszane ze smietanka:). Coz za relaks...
Co bardzo wazne produkt nie jest testowany na zwierzetach.
ekstrakt z poziomek- bogaty w polifenole i witamine C
proteiny mleka- poprawiaja kondycje skory wplywajac na jej elastycznosc
miod- wlasciwosci nawilzajace, bakterjobojcze, przyspiesza gojenie sie ran, zmniejsza ryzyko powstania bliznowcow.
Skladniki musu sa w 99% pochodzenia naturalnego. Produkt posiada rowniez certyfikat COSMOS NATURAL.
-produkt naturalny, a niedrogi,
-nawilza skore (poziom nawilzenia utrzymuje sie do nastepnego dnia),
-uelastycznia skore,
-szybko sie wchlania,
-ma lekka konsystencje,
-pachnie jak poziomki ze smietanka (zapach ladny, ale delikatny),
-ma fajny kolor (jasnorozowy),
Minusem jest pudelko, tani i slaby plastik. Ale ten minus oczywiscie nie wplywa na moja ogolna ocene produktu. Mus do ciala truskawka i mleko, czy raczej poziomka i mleko goraco Wam polecam:).
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Maska do włosów. Awokado i miód. Avocado & honey. Organic shop.
Czesc i czolem,
dzis chcialabym przedstawic Wam maske do wlosow awokado i miod firmy Organic shop. Jest to moj pierwszy produkt z tej firmy, ale na pewno nie ostatni. Maske zuzylam do samego konca, wiec czuje sie gotowa do podzielenia sie z Wami moimi spostrzezeniami.
Przy zakupie produktu kosmetycznego nie kieruje sie juz marka, ale nauczona doswiadczeniem, po prostu czytam sklad. Ta maska ma dobry sklad:
Dodatkowo produkt ten ma stosunkowo niska cene, ale na szczescie w przypadku tego kosmetyku niska cena idzie w parze z jakoscia:).
Jak stosowalam maske? Na poczatku tak jak zalecil producent, czyli trzymalam produkt na mokrych wlosach przez kilka minut i splukiwalam. Rezultat byl ok, ale zdecydowanie brakowalo efektu wow. Intuicja podpowiedziala mi, ze maske z takim skladem na pewno stac na wiecej. Doszlam do wniosku, ze skoro maska zawiera miod, to moze doloze go jeszcze wiecej. Tak tez sie stalo- kosmetyk zmieszalam z odrobina miodu, potem mix ten zaaplikowalam na nieumyte wlosy, po czym po okolo godzinie maske zmylam. Taki sposob aplikacji okazal sie strzalem w 10-tke. Po umyciu wlosy byly dociazone, nawilzone, zyskaly na objetosci. Dodatkowo latwo sie rozczeslywaly, byly sypkie, blyszczace i wygladzone. Przy regularnym stosowaniu poprawila sie ogolna kondycja moich wlosow, ktore wczesniej byly przesuszone i polamane na koncach. Kolejnym atutem maski jest jej zapach.
Jedyne co mi przeszkadzalo, to kiepskiej jakosci opakowanie zrobione z cienkiego plastiku. Pudelko spadlo mi raz na podloge i od razu ulamalo sie czesc wieczka, co widac na zdjeciu. Od tego momentu musialam postepowac z tym pudelkiem jak z jajkiem, co w malej lazience, wymagalo ode mnie nie lada akrobacji.
Plusy maski awokado&miod:
dzis chcialabym przedstawic Wam maske do wlosow awokado i miod firmy Organic shop. Jest to moj pierwszy produkt z tej firmy, ale na pewno nie ostatni. Maske zuzylam do samego konca, wiec czuje sie gotowa do podzielenia sie z Wami moimi spostrzezeniami.
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Maska do włosów. Awokado i miód |
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Maska do włosów. Awokado i miód |
Dodatkowo produkt ten ma stosunkowo niska cene, ale na szczescie w przypadku tego kosmetyku niska cena idzie w parze z jakoscia:).
Jak stosowalam maske? Na poczatku tak jak zalecil producent, czyli trzymalam produkt na mokrych wlosach przez kilka minut i splukiwalam. Rezultat byl ok, ale zdecydowanie brakowalo efektu wow. Intuicja podpowiedziala mi, ze maske z takim skladem na pewno stac na wiecej. Doszlam do wniosku, ze skoro maska zawiera miod, to moze doloze go jeszcze wiecej. Tak tez sie stalo- kosmetyk zmieszalam z odrobina miodu, potem mix ten zaaplikowalam na nieumyte wlosy, po czym po okolo godzinie maske zmylam. Taki sposob aplikacji okazal sie strzalem w 10-tke. Po umyciu wlosy byly dociazone, nawilzone, zyskaly na objetosci. Dodatkowo latwo sie rozczeslywaly, byly sypkie, blyszczace i wygladzone. Przy regularnym stosowaniu poprawila sie ogolna kondycja moich wlosow, ktore wczesniej byly przesuszone i polamane na koncach. Kolejnym atutem maski jest jej zapach.
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Maska + miod |
Jedyne co mi przeszkadzalo, to kiepskiej jakosci opakowanie zrobione z cienkiego plastiku. Pudelko spadlo mi raz na podloge i od razu ulamalo sie czesc wieczka, co widac na zdjeciu. Od tego momentu musialam postepowac z tym pudelkiem jak z jajkiem, co w malej lazience, wymagalo ode mnie nie lada akrobacji.
Plusy maski awokado&miod:
- nawilza wlosy,
- dodaje blasku,
- wygladza,
- odzywia,
- ulatwia rozczesywanie,
- przy regularnym uzyciu poprawia ogolna kondycje wlosow,
- nie wzmaga przetluszczania sie wlosow.
- dostepnosc,
- kiepskiej jakosci opakowanie.
Maske te zamierzam kupic ponownie i polecam ja rowniez Wam.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
TIPS FOR BEAUTIFUL WINTER HAIR. A guest post by Viki Howell
how are you?
Here is a new post by Viki Howell:
to maintain beautiful hair during this winter? Learn how to prepare
your locks for cold season with these easy tips.
#1 Moisturize well
is extremely thirsty that is why you should hydrate it well. Regular
conditioning is the best way to keep your hair moisturized and
#2 Protect from weather
weather conditions in winter can have a negative impact on your hair.
Cover your head to protect your locks from low temperatures and
fierce winds.
#3 Minimize heat
hair is susceptible to dryness that’s why you should stay away from
heat styling appliances. Less heat means fewer chances for dry hair.
#4 Fight static
is one of the most common hair problems during winter season. One of
the best ways to keep electricity under control is to use hair oil or
#5 Trim your ends
trims are especially important in winter because they help to get rid
of split ends and keep your hair healthy.
us here"
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
HOW TO KEEP OILY HAIR UNDER CONTROL. Guest post by Victoria Howell
how are you? Today I would like to share a very interesting post written by Victoria Howell. Enjoy the reading:).
Description: Oily hair is a very annoying and uncomfortable problem. Learn how to keep it under control and stay fabulous!
1. Wash less often
It sounds crazy but you need to shampoo your hair less often to keep oiliness under control. The more you wash, the more oil your scalp produces.
2. Condition properly
Conditioner can aggravate oily hair problem if applied to the roots. You should condition your ends only in order to keep your hair clean and nourished.
3. Purchase dry shampoo
Dry shampoo is a great solution for bad hair days. This helpful product helps to absorb excessive dirt and refresh your locks quickly.
4. Avoid heavy products
Mousses, gels, pastes, waxes and creams can weigh your hair down and accelerate the process of becoming oily. Become friends with lightweight products!
5. Keep your hands off
Greasy hair doesn’t like too much touching because hands transfer additional oils from food, lotions and our face. Keep your hands away from your hair!
I hope you liked it,
Saturday, 31 October 2015
5 Ways to Style Your Mid Length Hair by Victoria Howell. Guest post.
today I would like to share with you a post written by Victoria Howell. Victoria is a young author who likes writing blogs about women’s beauty. She writes articles about hair care and beauty salons. I hope you will enjoy reading:).
"Title: 5 Ways to Style Your Mid Length Hair
Description: Best ways to style your shoulder-length hair. Five easy tricks for you to try now.
Key word:
Today one of the most popular haircuts among celebrities and not only is bob or lob, which actually means the same. The only difference that lob is a little bit longer one. In addition it is versatile, easy to style and timeless. Check out our five ways to wear this trendy haircut and choose the one for you.
Shoulder length lob, with laid-back strand perfectly reflects the versatility of this hair cut. It is not wavy, but not completely straight with light texture and “windblown” effect. If you want to add curls in you lob, use large or medium curling iron. Rumpled texture lob looks nice and easy, so you can try it right now.
Sleek and polished considers to be a classical variant of wearing a bob or a lob. To create such look, use styling cream or mousse on your hair. Avoid putting it on the roots, or it will weight them down and take away all volume. Blow - dry your hair with a rounded comb and then smooth it with a flatiron. You can use some serum or spray in order to add shine to your hair. But be careful with it and don't overdo, or your hair will look greasy. It is better not to use any accessories with this hairdo.
Parting your hair can change your haircut fundamentally. Give some messy curls into your hair and side-swept it. This is a very easy way to look stylish. Use spray in your dried hair, if you have naturally curled texture, it will add great volume and a little bit of beachy softness. Small secret: twist your hair in different directions to create some asymmetry in it. Apply a small amount of styling cream on the ends to complete the hairdo.
If you always wanted to have halfway mark between straight and wavy with perfect center-parted hair, it is time to make your dreams come true. Nowadays such a trick is one of the most popular in hair fashion industry. Keep in mind that having your ends really straight makes it look more modern. To get such an effect it is more preferable to use a flatiron than a curling iron. About an inch or two from the bottom, stop bending the flatiron and just pull it through the ends straight for the blunt texture. To top it all use shine spray all over your head and a bit of smoothing pomade or cream at the ends.
This look is the lob at its best. It is greatest way to soften your face if you have angular or heart-shaped form. To get this look, shake your hair from the roots to ends using mousse. It will volumize your hair a lot. Blow-dry your hair, helping yourself with the hands, and your bangs, using a round brush to create a smooth and gentle curve. But never curl your bangs with the iron.
Well, if you haven`t wear bob before reading this article, now it is high time for you to visit your barber! Don’t forget to use our tips every time you look in the mirror.
Read more here".
Thank you for the reading,
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Neals Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Hand Wash. Review
some time ago I purchased a few products from Neal's Yard Remedies. This London based company makes very nice natural and organic cosmetics. The products are expensive but I got mine cosmetics during major sale:).
"Gently cleanses hands and helps save the bees. We are donating 10,000 a year to bee lovely projects to Help Save the Bees.
Our natural Bee Lovely Hand Wash is infused with moisturising organic honey and fragrant, uplifting organic orange and mandarin essential oils, to gently cleanse and subtly scent the grubbiest of hands.
Gentle enough for the whole hive, including children aged 3 years and over."
Sounds great but I couldn't really find any reviews from the internet about this product. However I decided to give it a go because saving the bees is a great idea and I wanted to support it. Another thing is that so far everything what I have tried from Neal's Yard Remedies has been great.
Unfortunately Bee Lovely Hand Wash is not good at all, in fact it is rather a bad product. Why? Because it will dry your skin. According to the manufacturer Bee Lovely Hand Wash will gently clean the hands and is suitable even for small children. Hmmm...I have to disagree. In my opinion this hand wash cleanses the hands in rather aggressive way. I think if you would use it only a couple of times a day then probably it shouldn't be such a big problem but repeated use of this hand wash will have a drying effect. I suspect that this is because of the denatured alcohol. If you have a look at the ingredients list you will see that alcohol denat. is in the 6th place (rather high).
Ingredients: Aqua (Water), Potassium sunflowerate*, Potassium cocoate*,Coco-glucoside, Glycerin*, Alcohol denat.*, Citrus sinensis (Orange) peel oilexpressed*, Mel (Honey)*, Citrus nobilis (Mandarin) peel oil expressed*, Potassium chloride, Potassium citrate, Styrax tonkinensis (Benzoin) resin extract* Citral, Citronellol, Eugenol, Farnesol, Geraniol, Limonene, Linalool.
*Organically produced ingredient.Natural constituent of essential oils listed.
Made with 91% organic ingredients.
Of course I was aware that the denatured alcohol is drying on the skin but at the same time I was hoping that honey known for its moisturizing properties will balance the drying action. Sadly this wasn't the case. Because I didn't want to throw away the whole bottle I mixed the product with a bit of olive oil and that helped but still I wasn't able to use it on a regular basis.
nice citrus scent
contains organic honey
helps save the bees
contains alcohol denat.
I honestly cannot recommend Neal's Yard Remedies Bee Lovely Hand Wash to anyone. Especially small children and people with sensitive skin should stay away from this product. Its formula definitely needs some improvements.
Greetings and thank you for reading.
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