Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reviews. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Maska do włosów. Awokado i miód. Avocado & honey. Organic shop.

Czesc i czolem,

dzis chcialabym przedstawic Wam maske do wlosow awokado i miod firmy Organic shop. Jest to moj pierwszy produkt z tej firmy, ale na pewno nie ostatni. Maske zuzylam do samego konca, wiec czuje sie gotowa do podzielenia sie z Wami moimi spostrzezeniami.

Maska do włosów. Awokado i miód

Przy zakupie produktu kosmetycznego nie kieruje sie juz marka, ale nauczona doswiadczeniem, po prostu czytam sklad. Ta maska ma dobry sklad: 

Maska do włosów. Awokado i miód

Dodatkowo produkt ten ma stosunkowo niska cene, ale na szczescie w przypadku tego kosmetyku niska cena idzie w parze z jakoscia:). 

Jak stosowalam maske? Na poczatku tak jak zalecil producent, czyli trzymalam produkt na mokrych wlosach przez kilka minut i splukiwalam. Rezultat byl ok, ale zdecydowanie brakowalo efektu wow. Intuicja podpowiedziala mi, ze maske z takim skladem na pewno stac na wiecej. Doszlam do wniosku, ze skoro maska zawiera miod, to moze doloze go jeszcze wiecej. Tak tez sie stalo- kosmetyk zmieszalam z odrobina miodu, potem mix ten zaaplikowalam na nieumyte wlosy, po czym po okolo godzinie maske zmylam. Taki sposob aplikacji okazal sie strzalem w 10-tke. Po umyciu wlosy byly dociazone, nawilzone, zyskaly na objetosci. Dodatkowo latwo sie rozczeslywaly, byly sypkie, blyszczace i wygladzone. Przy regularnym stosowaniu poprawila sie ogolna kondycja moich wlosow, ktore wczesniej byly przesuszone i polamane na koncach. Kolejnym atutem maski jest jej zapach. 

Maska + miod

Jedyne co mi przeszkadzalo, to kiepskiej jakosci opakowanie zrobione z cienkiego plastiku. Pudelko spadlo mi raz na podloge i od razu ulamalo sie czesc wieczka, co widac na zdjeciu. Od tego momentu musialam postepowac z tym pudelkiem jak z jajkiem, co w malej lazience, wymagalo ode mnie nie lada akrobacji.

Maska do włosów. Awokado i miód


Plusy maski awokado&miod:

  • nawilza wlosy,
  • dodaje blasku,
  • wygladza,
  • odzywia,
  • ulatwia rozczesywanie,
  • przy regularnym uzyciu poprawia ogolna kondycje wlosow,
  • nie wzmaga przetluszczania sie wlosow.


- dostepnosc,
- kiepskiej jakosci opakowanie.

Maske te  zamierzam  kupic ponownie i polecam ja rowniez Wam.



Saturday, 20 June 2015

Born to Bio shower gel mango. Review


today I would like to review an organic shower gel by Born to Bio. I got Tropical Mango but there are many different options available. 

I have to admit that at the beginning I was a bit sceptical about this product. In the past I have tested two products from Born to Bio company: a hair conditioner and a deodorant. Unfortunately they weren't any good for me and I was very disappointed with those products.

Luckily the shower gel is very good. First of all it has a gorgeous scent  and the fragrance is 100% natural. I think that at this point I should quotate what the producer says: "let yourself be taken into a desert Island and explore the sweetness of a  juicy mango." Well, I don't know about being taken into an island but this shower gel smells deliciously fruity, it gives me a positive energy and puts me in a good mood:). And that already means a lot...Especially when the morning is cold and dark:). But, hold on, there is more positive things to come...
The Born to Bio shower gel is mild, doesn't dry out the skin. In fact there is even no need to apply a moisturizer after the shower- I have normal skin, I cannot tell how it would behave with a dry skin.
The shower gel doesn't lather much but its cleansing properties are very good. So, yes, it is gentle yet effective plus it smells gorgeous. Apart from that the product consists of 99.5% natural ingredients, 10% of ingredients come from organic farming.
It is free from  parabens, glycol, phthalates, dyes, silicone, phenoxyethanol.
And it has two certificates: Cosmébio, ECOCERT
Also the product is affordable: about 6 euros for 300 ml.
I can highly recommend this product to everyone. This shower gel is suitable also for small children.
Greetings and thank you for reading.


Ingredients (INCI): Aqua, Pseudotsuga Menziesii Water*, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine,Glycerin, Caprylyl/Capryl Glucoside, Lauryl Glucoside, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Benzoate, Parfum, Lactic Acid ,Potassium Sorbate, Limonene, Benzoic Acid

* organic

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Clarins Colour Quench Lip Balm - 01 Pink Marshmallow. Review


how are you? Today I would like to review a Clarins Paris Colour Quench Lip Balm in 01 Pink Marshmallow. First thing I have to tell you is that this is my favourite lip gloss. I have dry lips and this lip balm works great for me. It offers a subtle colour, a lot of shine and has excellent moisturizing properties.

Clarins Colour Quench Lip Balm

 I would describe its colour as a frosty, very light pink. It is just adorable:).

Clarins Colour Quench Lip Balm

Clarins Colour Quench Lip Balm is a product that is a combination of a lip gloss and a lip balm. It delivers great makeup results and at the same time it takes care of your lips. After application your lips will feel instantly hydrated and nourishedAnd this effect will last for some time. The balm will offer you a bit of color and a lot of shine.

Clarins Colour Quench Lip Balm

  • moisturizes the lips
  • it will repair your lips
  • it has soothing properties
  • your lips will be softer
  • it will offer you an incredible shine and a subtle colour
  • it can be worn alone or over the lipstick
  • a non sticky formula
  • comfortable to wear
  • delicious fruity smell
Clarins Colour Quench Lip Balm

The formula isn't sticky, the lip gloss will not stick to you hair. I must say this is rather unusual for a lip gloss. I am a big fan of lip glosses and I have had many different ones but almost always when I was wearing a lip gloss and the day was windy I would end up with the hair in my mouth. I am sure that you know the feeling:)

I recommend this lip balm to everyone because it will moisture, nourish and protect your lips.  

Thanks for reading and greetings.

Ulubione: Krem do rąk Lirene regeneracja. Recenzja.


na poczatku pozdrawiam i serdedznie zapraszam do przeczytania recenzji kremu do rak Lirene Regeneracja. Krem ten jest jednym z moich ulubionych kremow do rak. Uzywam go nieprzerwanie od kilku miesiecy i musze przyznac, ze wspaniale ochronil skore moich dloni przed szkodliwym dzialaniem niskich temperatur: tu, w Finlandii bylo wczoraj -14 stopni Celsjusza:(. Pamietam, ze zeszlej zimy, mimo ciaglego noszenia rekawiczek i uzywaniu roznych mazidel moje dlonie byly czerwone, skora swedziala i byla spierzchnieta. Na szczescie w tym roku jest inaczej. Dlonie sa w bardzo dobrym stanie: nawilzone, a skora jest napieta:). Na zdjeciach kremu widac, ze opakowanie jest mocno sfatygowane, to dlatego, ze prawie wszedzie go ze soba nosze:).

Na poczatku chcialabym napisac kila slow o kremie. Producent kieruje ten produkt przede wszystkich do osob, ktorych skora rak wymaga specjalistycznej pielęgnacji. Krem zawiera formule DermoProtect, dzieki ktorej szorstkie, zniszczone i suche dlonie zostana zregenerowane i nawilzone. Krem szczegolnie polecany jest w czasie zimy, kiedy temperatura powietrza na zewnatrz jest niska, a w domu czy w pracy mamy suche powietrze. 

Krem do rąk Lirene Regeneracja 

Krem ma w skladzie miedzy innymi alantoine, maslo shea (moj ulubiony skladnik nawilzajacy) i gliceryne. 

Najbardziej lubie w tym kremie to, ze wchlania sie z szybkoscia blyskawicy, doslownie w ciagu kilku sekund. Po aplikacji czujemy na skorze rodzaj ochronnego filtru. Ta ochronna bariera utrzymuje sie do kilku myc dloni. 

Krem do rąk Lirene regeneracja 

Moge powiedziec o sobie, ze mam lekkiego bzika na punkcie kremow do rak:). Spowodowane jest to tym, ze musze myc rece bardzo czesto, doslownie kilkadziesiat razy dziennie. Dlatego moje dlonie potrzebuja dobrego nawilzenia.
Drugi czynnik, to niekonczaca sie zima, ktora trwa 6, 7 miesiecy. Na zewnatrz zimno, a w domu czy szkole/pracy bardzo suche powietrze. To wszystko sprawia, ze bardzo duzo oczekuje od kremu do rak. To samo tyczy sie odzywek do wlosow, bo te niskie temperatury, to nie lada wyzwanie zarowno dla skory jak  i wlosow. 

Krem do rąk Lirene Regeneracja 

Wracajac do kremu, to ma on same plusy:

  • wygladza skore dloni,
  • napina skore,
  • nawilza nie zostawiajac przy tym tlustego filtru,
  • regularne stosowanie kremu poprawia ogolna kondycje skory dloni,
  • dobrze sie rozprowadza,
  • wchlania sie w kilka sekund,
  • ma przyjemny zapach,
  • odpowiednia konsystencja: nie za plynna, nie za tresciwa,
  • krem jest wydajny,
  • latwo dostepny,
  • niska cena.

Krem do rak Lirene Regeneracja polecam wszystkim,
 ale przede wyszystkim tym, ktorzy maja sucha skore dloni i potrzebuja blyskawicznego nawilzenia i ukojenia rak.
 Dodatkowo krem bedzie strzalem w dziesiatke dla tych, ktorym zalezy na czasie. To znaczy, ze zaraz po aplikacji kremu mozna wrocic do swoich obowiazkow bez obawy, ze zostawi sie tluste plamy na dokumentach czy ubraniach. 

Dziekuje za uwage i goraco Was pozdrawiam. A jakie sa Wasze ulubione kremy do rak?


Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Madara Gloss and Vibrancy Shampoo

how are you? Today I am reviewing a Madara GLOSS AND VIBRANCY SHAMPOO. I am sorry to say that but this shampoo is a big NO NO for me. It basically irritated my scalp so badly that I got dandruff:(.
Madara Gloss and Vibrancy Shampoo

But let me say a few words about Madara company. Madara is a Latvian company producing natural and ecological cosmetics. They have ECOCERT certificate. Their cosmetics are not tested on animals and they are trying to obtain a Leaping Bunny certificate. They are using recycled packaging materials. I actually like their packaging a lot: it is mainly green or white, minimalistic yet elegant. 

Madara Gloss and Vibrancy Shampoo

But back to the shampoo. The producer claims that Gloss and Vibrancy Shampoo will clean the hair in a gentle way. The hair will be protected and it will have more volume. It will also become stronger, silkier and shiny. Ehem...
For best results they recommend to use this shampoo with Madara Gloss and Vibrancy Conditioner which I have bought as well. I am going to write a review about it later.
Why did I buy Madara  Gloss and Vibrancy Shampoo? Mainly because I have read good reviews about it. I remember that one of the bloggers wrote that this shampoo has even helped them with oily scalp. I was sold:). I had really high hopes for  this shampoo. Other thing is that Madara is quite popular here in Finland.

Madara Gloss and Vibrancy Shampoo

After the first application my scalp felt really irritated, it became  itchy and the skin started to peel. I didn't want to believe that this was happening because of the Madara's shampoo. I was trying to convince myself that this was normal, that the shampoo was removing some buildup from the scalp. Only I was not really sure what kind of buildup that would be because I  use neither styling products nor silicons.
Full of hope I washed my hair again- the same thing happened: itchy scalp and dandruff. All together I have tried six times and it always made my head itchy (and scratchy:)) and gave me a lot of dandruff. 
I have stopped using Madara  Gloss and Vibrancy Shampoo but it took some time for my scalp to eventually calm down.
Why it all has happened? I think because this shampoo cleanses the hair TOO well, in a rather aggressive wayThis is all quite ironic because producer says that this shampoo will clean your hair in a gentle way. Instead you get the hair stripped of natural, protective oils ( but it is indeed clean, squeaky clean).
The only nice thing about this shampoo is its smell. 
A quick summary:

  • nice fresh smell

  • irritated my scalp enormously
  • gave me dandruff
  • tangled the hair 
  • the price-over 12 euros
I do not recommend Gloss and Vibrancy Shampoo from Madara at all. It does nothing good to the hair, on the contrary it may irritate your scalp and give you dandruff. Better save yourself the money, and save yourself the disappointment.
Ingredients: Aqu,a Sodium Coco Sulfate, Coco Glucoside, Rosa Damascena, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Glyceryl Oleate, Betaine, Betula Alba, Vaccinium Macrocarpon Benzyl Alcohol,Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Chloride, Citric Acid, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein ,Sodium Benzoate, Brassicyl Isoleucinate Esylate Brassica Alcohol, ,Fragrance,Limonene,Linalool, Geraniol, Farnesol, Citronellol, Citral.

Thank you for reading and greetings,

Monday, 29 December 2014

Dior 5 Colour Eyeshadow. Cienie do powiek Christian Dior 5 Couleurs.


this is a review of Christian Dior 5 Colour Eyeshadow palette called also 5 Couleurs Designer. This famous eyeshadow palette has been used by professional makeup artists everywhere in the world. The great thing about this product is that it comes in many different colours.

Christian Dior 5 Colour Eyeshadow Palette

 From Sephora you can buy:

  • Bar 56 (a very interesting combination of colours: it contains browns, peach, white eyeshadows. It would be good for a day makeup look and will complement everybody's eyes)
  • Pied-De-Poule 96 (darker shades of brown and grey, good for creating a dramatic look)
  • Carré Bleu 276  (a variation of different shades of blue - cool and warm shades combined together)
  • Tutu 846 (peach, pink, lilac - cool and warm shades combined together, they look very intensive and colourful in the palette)
  • Trafalgar 876 (warm browns and pinks)
  • 456 Jardin (peachy pinks, light green, khaki green)
  • 166 Victoire (pink, plum, aubergine)
  • 566 Versailles (light and medium shades of brown and gold)
  • 156 Femme-Fleur (a very interesting combination of pinkie browns, this would especially suit people with hazel or green eyes but honestly it would be flattering on everyone)
  • 796 Cuir Cannage (warm, medium and darker browns, it would look gorgeous on autumn type women with ginger hair and warm complexion)
  • 646 30 Montaigne (warm, light shades of brown and peach)
There is also a limited edition 2014 holiday in:

  • 046 Golden Reflections (light, medium gold)
  • 756 Golden Shock (plum, gold, light pink)

I own the Couture Colour eyeshadow palette in 254 Bleu de Paris. 


Have you ever been to Paris? Could you compare blue of Paris to the colours of this eyeshadow palette? I have been there a few times, when I was a teenager, but at that time I wasn't interested in colour of the sky in Paris. There were certainly more interesting things on my mind then:). I have noticed that as we get older we start appreciating nature much more. Now I pay more attention to the colours of nature, changing of the seasons, singing birds, etc. Now we have -17 degrees Celsius here and I really admire the view of trees covered in blanket of snow. 


My Dior's eyeshadow palette is a mini palette. It was sold together with Iconic Overcurl mascara. I got it during the summer sale and it was about 20 euros:).

Dior 5 Colour Eyeshadow with Iconic Overcurl

The palette looks very sweet and it is small so the application may be difficult (actually it is a bit pain in the a...). On the other hand it is good for the travelings. 

It consists of five shades: they have different textures - four shades are shimmery and one shade is totally matte. It is worth mentioning that the shimmer doesn't look cheap on the contrary it is very elegant. All the colours are combined beautifully and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye. You can't go wrong with this palette. 

The colours are:

Dior 5 Colour Eyeshadow

  • sky blue (shimmer) - it is a base - light, the lightest colour one in the palette,
  • denim blue (shimmer)-  colour - iridescent,
  • silver (shimmer)- shade - satinity,
  • dark grey (shimmer)- shine-pearlescent,
  • navy blue (matte)-liner - mat
  • mat, the darkest colour in this palette.
All the shades have blue undertone, even the silver and the grey one. Yes, I know now you are probably wondering how the silver one can be bluish:). But seriously it is this kind of silver with a blue hue. In the past I used to apply a silver eye kajal on my eyelids and many people were thinking that it was actually blue. How was this possible? The answer is that my complexion has cool/bluish undertone. 
Because Dior's palette is all about the blue it would be especially suitable for those of you who have cool undertones. It will compliment the colour of your complexion.

The eyeshadows are quite well pigmented and they blend well. With the primer they last all day longDior 5 Colour Eyeshadow applied in the morning still looks fresh in the evening. It is quite unbelievable because I have oily eyelids and my makeup tends to melt. But with Dior's eyeshadow palette there is no creasing. Hurrra! 

With 5 Colour Eyeshadow palette you can create two different looks: a natural look which is obviously great for the day time and the sophisticated look which is suitable for the evening. If you want to create a natural look you should use two upper shades plus the central one. 


For the evening makeup use the two lower shades plus the middle one. 

Christian Dior eyeshadow

The center shade is the most important because it is used as a lightener for the natural and the sophisticated look. I have to admit I like the natural look more and I have been applying the makeup according to the instructions from Dior's site: and I am very happy with the result. Christian Dior 5-Colour Eyeshadow in Bleu de Paris makes my eyes stand out:). I would recommend this eyeshadow palette to everyone, especially - as I have said before - that you can't go wrong with it.
What is your favourite eyeshadow / eyeshadow palette?Greetings,

Now the same written in my native language:)

Czesc dziewczyny,

na poczatku przepraszam za brak polskiej czcionki, ale uzywam finskiego komputera i nie mam mozliwosci dodania polskich znakow. Mam skryta nadzieje, ze Wam to nie bedzie przeszkadzac. Z gory dziekuje za wyrozumialosc i zapraszam do lektury.

Chcialabym Wam zrecenzowac palete cieni od Diora. Ta paleta to prawdziwy klasyk uzywany przez makijazystow na calym swiecie. Mam wiec i ja:). A tak na powaznie, to paleta byla dolaczona do tuszu do rzes Iconic Overcurl i wszystko to za cene okolo 20 euro, wiec kto by sie nie skusil. Tym bardziej, ze zestaw jest w niebieskiej, chlodnej tonacji, wiec jak znalazl dla kobiety o typie urody lato, czyli dla mnie i wedle statystyk wiekszosci z Was.

Palety cieni Diora maja wiele roznych odmian kolorystycznych. Naprawde jest w czym wybierac. W czesci angielskiej opisalam krotko dostepne zestawy, jesli ktos jest zainteresowany, to zapraszam do zerkniecia wyzej. Tutaj mozne wspomne jeszcze raz o trzech zestawach, ktore wywarly na mnie najwieksze wrazenie:

  • 796 Cuir Cannage - zestaw brazow w cieplej tonacji. Wyobrazam sobie, ze swietnie pasowalby rudowlosym dziewczynom:)
  • 156 Femme-Fleur - bardzo interesujaca kombinacja rozowych brazow, najlepsza dla wlascicielek zielonych i tzw. piwnych oczu, choc tak naprawde, to pewnie pasowalaby kazdemu
  • Tutu 846 - roz, brzoskwinia, lila - bardzo kolorowo i wesolo, choc przyznam Wam, ze nie wiem czy bym sie odwazyla uzyc tego zestawu.

  • Sama jestem posiadaczka numeru 254 - Bleu de Paris. Przy tworzeniu tego zestawu kierowano sie podobno wizja koloru paryskiego nieba. Ja wpradzie bylam w Paryzu kilka razy, ale jako nastolatka, i wtedy nie kolor paryskiego nieba byl mi w glowie:). W ogole, to zauwazylam, ze dopiero niedawno zaczelam podziwiac nature, as I grow older (nie chce uzywac slowa: starzeje sie:).

    W zestawie cztery cienie maja polysk i tylko jeden jest matowy. Cienie z polyskiem bynajmniej nie wygladaja tanio, bazarowo, przeciwnie dodadza Wam eleganckiego uroku. Jednyny matowy cien w kolorze ciemno niebieskim najlepiej nadaje sie do rysowania kresek na powiece.

    Centralnym kolorem palety jest jasno niebieski cien, ktory moze byc uzyty w kombinacji z dwoma gornymi cieniami (dzinsowym niebieskim i srebrnym), albo z dwoma dolnymi cieniami (ciemnoszarym i ciemnoniebieskim). 
    Wszystko zalezy od tego jaki efekt chcemy uzyskac: naturalny czy wieczorowy tzw. sophisticated look:). Ja wole makijaz naturalny i musze Wam sie przyznac, ze korzystalam tu ze wskazowek zawartych na stronie Diora: i efekt przerosl moje najsmielsze oczekiwania. W ogole polecam Wam zajrzycie na strone Diora, jest tam reklama tych cieni, ale bez  modelek. To raczej gra soczystymi barwami: wyobrazcie sobie sproszkowane cienie w soczystych kolorach wyrzucone w przestrzen. Niesamowite.

    Wracajac do cieni, to sa one swietne:
    • maja aksamitna teksture
    • nie rozmazuja sie
    • z primerem od Lumene pozostaja w stanie nienaruszonym do samego wieczora, a mam tlusta cere i ciagle cos majstruje przy twarzy
    • sa dosc dobrze napigmentowane
    • latwo sie blenduja
    • wydajne
    • bardzo harmonijnie polaczone pod wzgledem kolortystycznym
    • ciezko byloby zrobic sobie nimi krzywde, mam wrazenie, ze makijaz oczu mozna wykonac wrecz intuicyjnie
    • podkreslaja oczy, wydobywaja ich piekno, oczy wysuwaja sie zdecydowanie na pierwszy plan 
    Jedyne do czego sie mozna przyczepic, to oczywiscie cena, ale za jakosc sie placi. 

    Dziewczyny, mam nadzieje, ze moja recenzja jest dla Was przynajmniej w malym stopniu przydatna. Dla mnie to taki maly eksperyment: dwujezyczne recenzje w jednym poscie, ale chcialam bardzo sprobowac jak to bedzie wygladac. 

    Na zakonczenie polecam wszystkim palete cieni Diora i dziekuje za uwage.


    Tuesday, 23 December 2014

    Keep young looking hands!Choose Urtekram No perfume Hand Soap organic.

    how are you? I am writing about Urtekram No perfume Hand Soap because a good soap is a must have for everyone. During the day we wash our hands several times and it is important that we use soap that won't dry out the skin. 

    Why I like this soap so much? Before I will describe its properties I will tell you that I prefer soap formulas in bottles. I think that the soap dispenser is more practical to keep in a small bathroom like mine. Solid soaps are great but they tend to melt and they make the sink messy. Second and the most important thing is that this soap doesn't dry out the skin. I wash my hands many times during the day plus I use regularly a hand disinfectant (which can be very harsh on the skin) and my hands are still in a good condition. Of course I remember about using a good moisturizer as well. I can recommend hand creams with 20% of  shea butter as they really moisturize and nourish the skin. 
    But back to the Urtekram No perfume Hand Soap:). This soap is perfume free and will suit everybody, even those with sensitive skin.

    Urtekram No perfume Hand Soap

    • really moisturizing
    • it will not dry out your skin even if you wash your hands several times a day
    • no perfume
    • good ingredients, 11% comes from organic farming
    • natural
    • packaging
    • relatively inexpensive (as for a natural product)
    • none
    Urtekram No perfume Hand Soap

    International list of ingredients (INCI): Aqua, aloe barbadensis leaf extract*, sodium coco-sulfat, lauryl glucoside, glycerine**, sodium cocoyl glutamate, coco glucoside, glyceryl caprylate, glyceryl oleate, sodium chloride, polyglyceryl-4 caprate, citric acid, tocopherol, beta-sitosterol, squalene. (* = ingredient from Organic Farming, ** = made using organic ingredients)
    As you can see ingredients are good, it has plenty of aloe (second on the list) and is very moisturizing. I recommend this soap to everyone who wants to keep young looking hands. Do you have any favourite soaps?
    Greetings and thank you for reading,

    Monday, 22 December 2014

    Natural World hair conditioner with argan oil


    today I would like to review for you a great moisturizing hair conditioner with argan oil, from Natural World.The conditioner has a creamy formula and contains argan oil which is certified organic. I could write a lot about the properties of the argan oil, but I will mention only that this Moroccan oil is particularly rich in nourishing vitamin E and antioxidants. For centuries, it has been used by the Berber women. I am sure that your hair will love it. 

    Natural world moisture repair hair conditioner with argan oil

    After application your hair will be moisturized, soft and shiny as silk. I can assure you that application after application your hair condition will be improving:). And there are two extremely good things about Moroccan argan oil, Moisture Repair Conditioner from Natural World: it has great ingredients:

    Natural world moisture repair hair conditioner with argan oil ingredients

    aqua, cetearyl alcohol, cetrimonium chloride, argania spinoza kernel oil, ceteareth-20, parfum, panthenol, polyquatrenium-7, citric acid, methylchloroisothiazolinone, magnesium chloride, methylisothiazolinone, sodium benzoate, limonene. 
    and the price: about 5 euros  with a capacity of 500 ml :). 

    I strongly recommend it.
    Best regards,

    Christian Dior Diorshow Iconic Overcurl mascara review


    how are you? This is a review of Diorshow Iconic Overcurl. I will tell you one thing - this mascara is just great. A real classic. In the past I had an original Diorshow but I prefer the Overcurl more. The difference between those two is the brush. Overcurl has a curved brush that will give you a great curl. 

    Diorshow Iconic Overcurl


    • intensive deep black color 
    • mascara won't fade
    • no clumping
    • no smudging
    • you will have really long lashes
    • your lashes will be curly 
    • mascara will give you a great volume
    • you will be able to create a false lash look
    • simple yet elegant packaging
    • easy application
    • applied in the morning mascara still looks good late in the evening

    Christian Dior Iconic mascara

    • difficult to remove
    • pricey

    The manufacturer says that this mascara will nourish and strengthen your lashes as well. I am not so sure about that, actually I don't think so:). I would rather recommend using castor oil for this purpose.
    If you are a fan of a false lash look go for it, go...:).

    Thank you for reading and greetings,


    Saturday, 20 December 2014

    review Lumene Raspberry Miracle Mascara with special fibres

    Hello,how are you? Today I would like to review for you a Lumene Raspberry Miracle Mascara with special fibres in a black colour. The mascara is made here in Finland:). 

    Lumene Raspberry Miracle Mascara 

    It contains oil of Arctic raspberry which has nourishing and revitalizing properties. I am sure that this mascara DOES nourish the eyelashes.
    Lately, to my horror, I have noticed that my eyelashes started falling out and became thinner. I have always had beautiful eyelashes so it was something I would not expect. Anyway, I have decided to ditch my favourite Dior Iconic mascara (because it is rather difficult to remove and during removing process I would always loose a few eyelashes) , the eyelash curler and instead I started using Lumene Raspberry Miracle Mascara (I wanted to check if the raspberry oil really works) and castor oil every evening. Now, after about two weeks I can already see a big difference:). So, yes, this mascara and obviously castor oil have saved my eyelashes.

    Lumene Raspberry Miracle Mascara contains also extra long synthetic fibers which suppose to create an effect of long and thick lashes. Because of that this product will be suitable especially for those of you who like extension fibers in mascaras. I remember that many years ago Manhattan had a fantastic mascara with this kind of fibers. Unfortunately they have changed the formula and the new version is rather bad. Have you noticed that it is a common practice among the companies that they stop producing good cosmetics or they change good formulas for bad ones? 
    Lumene raspberry miracle mascara with visible extension fibers 

    Let's go back to the product's description:

    Lumene Raspberry Miracle mascara pros:

    • long fibers attach to the lashes and create a nice effect of:
    • thicker lashes
    • longer lashed
    • curled lashes
    • effect stays all day long
    • no need to use an eye curler
    • the product doesn't smudge
    • it doesn't flake off
    • mascara does not contain parabens, alcohol and fragrance
    • suitable for allergic
    • hard to remove (but I don't loose any eyelashes during makeup removal)
    • no revitalizing or nourishing effect on eye lashes (despite raspberry booster complex)
    This mascara will be suitable for everyday's makeup. It will define your lashes in a natural way. But it will not create a dramatic effect, you won't be able to achieve a false lash effect. Would I recommend it? Yes, for everyone who likes more natural looking makeup:).



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